Peer Response to Ed Lazaga (Blog 1)

For this post, I’ve responded to Ed’s blog post as seen below.

Hi Ed,

It’s great to hear about your experience with co-op terms and how they’ve shaped your understanding of different educational settings! I completely agree with you regarding the flexibility and empowerment that distributed and open education provide. As someone who’s also juggling work, school, and personal life, I’ve found the ability to structure my own learning around my schedule to be very valuable.

Also, I share your concerns about the potential downsides, like feeling disconnected or questioning the quality of open resources on the internet. I think it’s of the utmost importance to develop good critical thinking skills to evaluate the credibility of the materials we use. Furthermore, collaboration with peers and instructors in video calls for example can also help mitigate that sense of isolation you mentioned. I’m looking forward to seeing how we can navigate these challenges together in this course!

Great post!